Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekly Update - 11/25

  • Doris McGill is recovering from shoulder surgery at PRMC/Room 424.
  • Dot Campbell is having therapy on her back.  She is in PRMC/Room 414.
  • Lucy Staley - Health
  • Lee McClain - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - as she continues to have walking, memory, depression and confusion issues.
  • Austin Anthony - Heart issues
  • Mary Lloyd - Cancer
  • Sue Salter - Health
  • Benette Russell's parents, Dorothy and Ben Holland, are having health issues.  Please remember Benette also as she is caring for them.
  • Larry Ballard asked for prayers for Dwayne Ballard and his health.
  • Jerry Jarrell (librarian at Stone Middle School) recovering from 5 by-pass heart surgery.
  • Bryce Williams asked for prayers for his friend Daniel, that he will build a relationship with God.
  • Larry Box - Cancer (works at T&K Machine Shop)
  • Paul Derringer - Cancer - local minister.
  • Dr. Wally Kraft - Health  (Local veterinarian.)
  • Gerald Housley - Has suffered 2 strokes and a blood clot.  Will be going to a long term health facility this week.  (Friend of mine from Frisco.)
CHRISTMAS BASKETS:  If you know individuals that will be needing food for Christmas, please look on the Welcome Center for a form to fill out their information. Please turn it back in on Sunday, Dec. 15th.  The food baskets will be delivered on Dec. 23rd.  Michael and Lindsay McCarter will be heading up this ministry again this year.

LADIES ORNAMENT EXCHANGE:  Tuesday, December 10th from 6:30-8:30 at the home of Angela Carter.  Bring a wrapped ornament ($5-$7) to exchange and your favorite finger food to share.  See the ladies bulletin board for more information.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  There is NO Simple Supper this week.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Toiletries

Nov 26:  Mid-week service on Tuesday night - all classes in auditorium.
Dec 8:  Cookbook shower for Tiffany Clay
Dec 8:  KFC Christmas Party (K-5th)
Dec 10:   KFC Rudolph Party (Birth-PreK and siblings)
Dec 10:  Ladies Ornament Exchange at Angie Carter's house.
Dec 25:  No Wednesday night service.
Jan 1:  No Wednesday night service.

Love you - MEAN IT!

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