Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly Update - 11/3

Thank you Patrick for the beautiful lesson this morning from Revelation 4 and 5.  What an amazing image of Heaven it brings to our minds.  He also had us close our eyes and listen to the song "Glory and Honor" by Acapella.  (Click here to listen to the song.)

BRAZIL MISSION TEAM:  Patrick & Kari Ann Cannon, Lewis & Carole Anderson and Clint & Rachel Spencer will leave on Tuesday to travel to Niteroi, Brazil to work with our missionary family, Brent & Jill Nichols, for one week.  (The Nichols are expecting a new baby!)

  • Austin Anthony will have further testing on Tuesday in Little Rock.
  • Lucy Staley has been in the hospital this week.  She is at home now.
  • Sarah Smith is feeling better.
  • Mike Grigsby - Heart issues.
  • Ora Henderson is still not well.
  • Mary Lloyd - has been diagnosed with cancer and is making decisions about treatment.
  • Jerry Raper - Health
  • Janes family - Prayers for strength.
  • Ralph Crews - Was injured in an automobile accident Saturday afternoon.  He is doing well and is home.
  • Alta Weeks (Elton Weeks' Mom) had a stroke yesterday.
  • Paul Derringer - Cancer - local minister.
  • Dr. Wally Kraft - Has had an infection in his knee for about 6 weeks, will have knee replacement once it heals.  (Local veterinarian.)
  • Gerald Housley - Has had 2 strokes and was being taken to a rehab hospital, had another health setback.  (Friend of mine from Frisco.)
  • Continue to remember Gary & Becky Nash in the loss of their son and Pat Elsom in the loss of her son.
COLLEGE CONNECTION:  To encourage our college students during their semester exams, we will be sending them care packages.  There is a list of names and addresses of our college students, on the bulletin board, outside of Room 6.  Please sign up on the sheet available, if you would like to help with this ministry.  See Jared Baggett if you have any questions.

BLOOD DRIVE:  This Wednesday (11/6) from 4-8pm in the OutReach Bldg. 

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree is Potato Soup.  Please donate at least $2 per person.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Fruit and Crackers

Nov 6:  Blood Drive
Nov 15-17:  Family Retreat
Dec 25:  No Wednesday night service.
Jan 1:  No Wednesday night service.

Love you - MEAN IT!

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