Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Update on the Anthony family - 12/4

Posted by Jay earlier this evening:  "I just spoke with Tyler and Cody's pediatric EP cardiologist's office. They are looking into both boy's EKG's for the "J-point repolarization abnormality". Preliminaries look like the same observation may be present in all three boys. This could very well be nothing and I BEG YOU TO PRAY THAT IT TRULY IS NOTHING.
Again, this same indicator is present in about 10% of all young males but the reason for increased concern here is due to it being present on Kristi's, which is not typical of her demographic. This could be just really good "due diligence" by all three EP's! The doctors at John Hopkins and (I believe) Mayo are looking at this too.
PLEASE ask the Father for our boy's good health. We are truly concerned but WE BELIEVE HE IS IN CONTROL! - Jay"

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