Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekly Update - 12/1

Thank you Patrick for the message today from Isaiah 7.  And thank you to Stephen Gerrald for the beautiful song service!  (Honestly....I think "Breath of Heaven" is one of THE most beautiful songs ever written.)

  • To the Wood family as they mourn the loss of our brother Tom.  His celebration of life memorial will be Tuesday afternoon at LACOC at 1:00pm.  His sweet smile and big hugs will be missed.
  • Sherry Welch's uncle, U.C. (Bud) Shannon's funeral service will be Tuesday at 1:30 at Calvary Methodist Church.
WELCOME BACK to Bill and Ann Sanders!!  We have missed you!

  • Ora Henderson goes back to the doctor this Wednesday, for tests on her neck.
  • Joe Hayes and Trish Rader's daughter, Emmie, is in critical condition in a Little Rock hospital with spinal meningitis.
  • Kristi Anthony - as she continues to have walking, memory, depression and confusion issues.
  • Austin Anthony - Heart issues.
  • Barbara Campbell's sister, Jean Wear, is waiting for test results and hope they all come back ok.
  • Lori Campbell's step-mother had a stent put in Saturday night. One of her arteries was 100% blocked. She will be in the hospital for about 3 more days.
  • Susan George's brother-in-law, Bill George (not the dentist), is having health issues. 
  • Tanya Welch's dad, Ben Wallace, had an accident while using a wood splitter.  They are waiting to see if his finger can be saved.
  • Kathy Marshall's sister, Judy Issette..."she is my rock and hero and I can not pray enough to ease the pain in her life."
  • Larry Box - Cancer (works at T&K Machine Shop)
  • Derald Bulls' friend, Paul Derringer (local minister), is in his final days.  Prayers for comfort for Paul and his family.
  • Dr. Wally Kraft - Health  (Local veterinarian.)
  • Gerald Housley -  Over a month ago he suffered 2 strokes and a blood clot.  He was moved to a long term care facility this week.  (Friend of mine from Frisco.)
HOLIDAY PARTY:  This annual event will be held on Sunday, December 15th at Aiken Elementary.  You don't want to miss this fun event.  There will be a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center next week.  They will need a head count to prepare for food.

CHRISTMAS BASKETS:  If you know individuals that will be needing food for Christmas, please look on the Welcome Center for a form to fill out their information. Please turn it back in on Sunday, Dec. 15th.  The food baskets will be delivered on Dec. 23rd.  Michael and Lindsay McCarter will be heading up this ministry again this year.

LADIES ORNAMENT EXCHANGE:  Tuesday, December 10th from 6:30-8:30 at the home of Angela Carter.  Bring a wrapped ornament ($5-$7) to exchange and your favorite finger food to share.  See the ladies bulletin board for more information.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Everything!

Dec 8:  KFC Christmas Party (K-5th)
Dec 10:   KFC Rudolph Party (Birth-PreK and siblings)
Dec 10:  Ladies Ornament Exchange at Angie Carter's house.
Dec 15:  Holiday Party at Aiken Elementary
Dec 25:  No Wednesday night service.
Jan 1:    No Wednesday night service.
Jan 12:  Cookbook Shower for Tiffany Clay

Love you - MEAN IT!

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