Sunday, December 29, 2013

Weekly Update - 12/29

Thank you Patrick for the New Year message today!  Let's get ready for a GREAT 2014!
Thank you also to Matt Duren and Spencer Jones for the wonderful song service!  Good to have our college "kids" back home for a while!

Happy Birthday to Ruth McFadden!  Her family had a big birthday party for her yesterday in the OutReach Bldg.

Prayer Requests:
  • It was good to see Terrance Maxwell and Webber Woodall back at worship this morning.  Both have had open heart surgery this month.  God is GOOD!  All the time!
  • Donna McGee had a heart cath yesterday morning and NO blockages were found!!!
  • Austin Anthony's surgery went well this week.  Continue to remember him as he deals with this issue.
  • Remember Kristi Anthony as she continues her therapy.
  • Charolette Bollman asked that we pray for Carla Rhodes as she is in Baylor Hospital with heart problems.
  • Kathy Ballard's friend, Jim Lipscomb, is having health issues.
  • Kathy Marshall asked that we continue to remember her niece and family, Cindy & Chad Nye, as they are suffering the loss of the son.
  • Derald Bulls friend, Marilee Miller, as she is grieving the loss of her husband, John.
  • Tanya Welch's Dad, Ben Wallace, had surgery to remove part of his finger removed.  They had to take more than expected.  Also has an aortic aneurysm they are also watching.
  • Shane Welch's sister, Shannon Kingsbury, will be having the 2nd surgery on her hand and will be starting therapy.  Prayers also for Mom, Sherry Welch, as she travels to be with Shannon and her family.
  • Benette Russell's Mom, Dorothy Holland, continues to be in Dubois/South Campus. 
  • Mike Bishop's friend, Gary Jones, has a broken leg.
  • The Bishop's son-in-law, Sean Healy, as he continues his search for employment.
  • Our sympathy is extended to Charlotte Grooms' and her family as they mourn the loss of her brother, David Nelson.  His funeral service was this afternoon in Denison.
 DON'T FORGET....there will be NO Wednesday night classes, due to the New Years' holiday.
Jan 1:  No classes
Jan 5:  Baby BOY shower for Mandy Gerrald
Jan 12:  Cookbook shower for Tiffany Clay.

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