Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekly Update - 12/9

Thank you Patrick for the message yesterday morning!  Very uplifting!  Also I loved the way you added the special song "Send The Light".   You made a very stressful situation become light!  (I'm sure glad we have a preacher with a sense of humor!)
There are things going on during church ALWAYS, but yesterday morning little Ethan McClain made me cry.  He kept staring at Joanne Wood...she leaned up and he started kissing her...and kissing her.  She finally just took him and held him.  That sweet little baby just knew Miss Joanne needed some extra loving! 

  • We are so thankful for the Red Cross and their volunteers for setting up the Shelter at LACOC.  There are lots of folks that have been helped over the last few days.
  • Thank you to all of the LACOC members who volunteered their time to help these folks also.  (Many of them who didn't have electricity at their homes, but came to help.)
  • Thank you to those who went out on Sunday afternoon AND today, with their chainsaws and elbow grease, to help clear homes of limbs.
  • If you see one of the electric company workers or the tree service folks....stop and tell them thank you and that you appreciate them.  Remember, they are away from their homes and families to help US!  Offer them coffee, hot chocolate, water, a snack....anything.
  • Thank you to those who have opened their homes, provided a shower, a propane heater or groceries!  Thank you to those who have called to check on each other!We are a very blessed bunch of folks!
  • Kyle Jones needs volunteers to help prepare and serve food that are here for the Red Cross.
  • There is a need for medical personnel to help at the Shelter also, during this time.  If you can contact Robyn Figgins to make sure she has your phone number, in case there is a need.  You can contact her at 903-905-1650 or at work 903-737-5457.
  • Ethan Hall asked for prayers for his friend's dad, Tim Chapman.  Timmy was killed in a one vehicle accident on Saturday.  Services are pending with Bright Holland Funeral Home.
  • Kathy Marshall asked that we remember her niece and husband, Cindy Nye, as they continue to mourn the loss of their son Mason.
  • Joe Hayes and Trish Rader's daughter, Emmie, was laid to rest today in New Boston.  Please remember Joe, Trish, Daniel, Brooke and Gavin as they grieve the loss of that sweet little girl.
  • Jean O'Neal had surgery on her elbow today and is doing well.  She will be in the hospital tonight and then will go to rehab.
  • God had his arms around Lindsay, Aubrie and Emma McCarter on Thursday afternoon.  They were hit head-on.  The girls are ok....Lindsay is a sore.
  • Kristi Anthony - as she continues to have walking, memory, depression and confusion issues.
  • Austin Anthony - Heart issues.
  • Larry Box - Cancer (works at T&K Machine Shop)
  • Dr. Wally Kraft - Health  (Local veterinarian.)
  • Gerald Housley -  Two months ago he suffered 2 strokes and a blood clot.  He was moved to a long term care facility this week.  (Friend of mine from Frisco.)
HOLIDAY PARTY:  This annual event will be held on Sunday, December 15th at Aiken Elementary.  You don't want to miss this fun event.  There will be a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center next week.  They will need a head count to prepare for food.
CHRISTMAS BASKETS:  If you know individuals that will be needing food for Christmas, please look on the Welcome Center for a form to fill out their information. Please turn it back in on Sunday, Dec. 15th.  The food baskets will be delivered on Dec. 23rd.  Michael and Lindsay McCarter will be heading up this ministry again this year.
SIMPLE SUPPER:    This weeks' entrée is TACO SOUP.  Please donate at least $2 per person.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter and Jelly.
Dec 11:  Ladies Bible Class Christmas Lunch at Carol James' home
Dec 15:  Holiday Party at Aiken Elementary
Dec 25:  No Wednesday night service.
Jan 1:    No Wednesday night service.
Jan 5:  Baby Shower for Mandy Gerrald
Jan 12:  Cookbook Shower for Tiffany Clay
Love you - MEAN IT!

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