Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Prayer Requests - 1/15

  • Doris McGill is in PRMC/Room 519 with an infection.
  • Continue to pray for Mary Lloyd.  She would like to have visitors.
  • Dot Campbell and Jean O'Neal are both doing better.  They are both in rehab at Heritage House.
  • Mike Crews had surgery in Hopkins Co. Memorial Hospital/Sulphur Springs today.  He is doing well tonight.
  • Kathy Marshall's Mom, Lorraine Erickson, had hip surgery yesterday at PRMC.  She is in Room 404.
  • Troy Ashby asked for prayers for Logan Brown.  He has a tumor on the tricep of his arm.  He is a 35 year old father of 2 little children.
  • Judy Trammell's son, Waylan Spencer, is having heart issues and is at Brentwood for rehab.

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