Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Prayer Requests - 1/22

  • Butch Mills is still in PRMC/Room 567 with pneumonia and flu.
  • Vicki Humphrey had a heart cath today and results were good!
  • Jean King is feeling much will better.  She was at church tonight!!
  • Billy Thomas (grandson of Smithy and Kay Allen) is in Afghanistan and was shot this week.  He has lost a finger and some bones were broken. PRAISE THE LORD he will be ok!
  • Landon Garrett will be coming HOME to Paris!  He's wait for the final Army paperwork.
  • Stephen Jones (Karen's son) has the chicken pox.
  • Mary Lee Miller (friend of Mary Jones) husband passed away this week.
  • Donna Mosley (former member) fell recently and is having problems walking and with her memory.  She is in a nursing home in Hugo.
  • Carle Usry will be having endrometriosis surgery later this month.
  • Jillian Usry is having some personal issues.
  • Debra Usry asked for prayers for the Larry Brown family, from Cumby.  Larry passed away this week from the complications from the flu.
  • Joe Holmes (friend of Margaret Lough) is in London, England for treatment. 
  • Ashley and Nicole Miller (friends of Jessica Harris) grandmother passed away on Tuesday morning.  Their uncle, Tony Wilkins, was killed in a semi-truck accident on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Scotty Sillivan (friend of Carle Usry) had an accident in his home and lost part of his finger.

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