Sunday, January 19, 2014

Weekly Update - 1/19

Patrick's lesson today, the third installment in the "iTruths for an iPod Generation", was "iGive". 
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Welcome to our newest family members; Trey, Kelly and Caleb Unruh!  We look forward to working with you!
PRAYER REQUESTS:|*James Hanley will be having a stress test scheduled soon.
*Butch Mills - PRMC/Room 567.
*Mike Crews (former member) was released from Hopkins Co. hospital today!  He and Renee will be staying with his Mom during his recovery.
*Kristi Anthony as she continues her physical therapy and prayers for full recovery.
*Lorraine Erickson - Health
*Jean King - Health
*Dot Campbell - Rehab at Heritage House.
*Jean O'Neal - Rehab at Heritage House.
*Donna Archer - In Baylor after stem cell transplant. (Friend of Molly's)
*Logan Brown - Cancer (friend of Ashby's)
*Waylan Spencer - Heart issues (Judy Trammell's son)
*Pris Lewis - in rehab after hip surgery (friend of the Bulls')

VISION 2023 MEETING:  If you would like to present your ideas to the committee, this is your chance!  (Sunday January 26th at 1:30 in the Hispanic Meeting Room.)  You must contact either Michelle Anderson, Keith Bollman, Patrick Cannon or Doug Faires, to have your name added to the agenda.  Ideas must be in writing.
SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entrée is Ham.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you did not sign up this morning to join us, please call the church office to have them add you to the noon on Tuesday.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Toiletries
LTC:  It's time to begin the preparation of this years Leadership Training for Christ!  Practice has already begun!  Sign up NOW!
Jan 22:  Ladies Bible Class - 10am in Room 3
Jan 26:  Vision Meeting @1:30
Feb 2:   Ladies Sunday Morning class begins
Feb 22:  Men's Wild Game Dinner
Feb 23:  Garrett Wedding Shower
Love you - MEAN IT!

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