Thursday, February 13, 2014

Prayer Requests - 2/13

  • Jean King's heart procedure was a success!  She is feeling better!
  • Mary Lloyd is not feeling well.  Please call before going to visit.
  • Dot Campbell is back in rehab.  She had a MRI yesterday on her back.
  • Lesa Bulls' Mom, Mazie Brockinton, has pneumonia and has been sick for a while with this!
  • Mike Grigsby is doing so well...he has been released to get his drivers license again!
  • Brent Nichols had surgery on his right arm yesterday after a basketball accident.
  • Nelda Skinner's uncle, Lloyd Kennedy, passed away this week.
  • Joe Moore's sister, Irene Holmes, passed away.
Don't forget to sign up for the Men's Wild Game dinner!!! 

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