Thursday, February 6, 2014

Prayer Requests - 2/6

  • Dot Campbell was released from rehab on Saturday.  There is a need for meals for her and her son Jim. 
  • Leslie Miears Lange will have knee surgery tomorrow in Dallas.
  • Butch Mills' sister, Freda White's, memorial service will be tonight at 7pm at LACOC.
  • Joe Moore's sister, Irene Holmes, is in her last days.  She told Joe she was ready to go!
  • Don't forget about the Care Calendar to help Kristi Anthony.
  • Marla George (friend of Mary Jones) was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday.
  • Rachel Tucker (cousin of Leslie Keele) found out this week that she is pregnant and the baby is due FEBRUARY 22nd!  That's in 2 weeks!!!!

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