Monday, February 10, 2014

Update on Kristi Anthony - 2/10

Posted by Jay earlier today:  "I realized that and update was overdue. Things are okay not moving forward really but not going backwards either. We are very excited about Kristi's new PT. She asked us to pray for her daily because she truly wants to be God's tool to make a difference in Kristi's recovery. We had many people respond to help out as a care-giver. I have not been able to contact all of them but I am meeting with quite a few this week. Kristi's attitude is very good right now but her memory needs a boost to get over the next set of hurdles before her.
Please pray for Crystal, Rachelle, Traci, and Brandy (those who work with Kristi daily who are all unselfish, Godly ladies) and the care-giver process, Kristi's memory healing, Sandy's health and strength, and Austin, Tyler, and Cody's health to be clear of any genetic problems."

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