Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekly Update - 2/9

Thank you Patrick for the lesson this morning, "Are You A Fan Or A Follower".  The message was taken from John 6.
Thanks also to Mark Welch for the beautiful songs!

PRAYER REQUESTS:|*Leslie Miears Lange - recovering from knee surgery this past Friday.
*Butch Mills still has pneumonia and will see the doctor again tomorrow.
*Kristi Anthony as she continues her physical therapy and prayers for full recovery.
*Gene and Ruth Ann Stallings - traveling grace as they travel to Haiti on a mission trip.
*Dot Campbell - was released from rehab but had to go back.  She is in tremendous pain.
*Doris McGill - Health
*Jerry Jarrell (librarian at North Lamar) had bypass surgery, 11 weeks ago and he has developed an infection at one of his vein harvest sites on his leg. His recovery has been so great that this really caught them by surprise!
*Anna Zant's brother, Joe Don Mashburn, has bone marrow cancer.
*Karen McMillan's Dad, Dan Glasscock, was diagnosed with prostate cancer on Friday.
*Karen asked for prayers for her sister-in-law, Carol McMillan, as she is battling lung cancer. 
*Donna Archer - Is recovering after stem cell transplant. (Friend of Molly's)
*Billie Viehe - Cancer

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entrée is Trisha Yearwood's Baked Spaghetti Casserole and Webber Woodall's Lemon Pound Cake.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you did not sign up this morning to join us, please call the church office to have them add you to the noon on Tuesday.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Pinto Beans (1 pound bags)
Feb 22:  Men's Wild Game Dinner
Feb 23:  Garrett Wedding Shower
Mar 16:  Bulls Wedding Shower
Love you - MEAN IT!

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