Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mid-Week Update - 3/5

  • Carole Anderson's co-worker, Tom, lost a kidney to cancer 2 years ago, now has cancer in lymph nodes outside lungs.  Treating with drugs by mouth and removed all they could.
  • Our sympathy goes to the family of Lynn Broadway, who passed away yesterday.
  • Lesa Bulls' friend, Marla George, beginning cancer treatment.
  • Troy Ashby's Mom, Polly Ashby, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  They have put in a stent for drainage.
  •  (Rusty Abram's friend) injured severely when a snow boarder hit him from behind.  He has broken ribs and a broken clavicle, possible punctured lung.  He is in extreme pain and has a hard time breathing.
  • Renee' Elmore (principal at Justiss Elementary) grandmother passed away in Duncan, OK.
There will be NO Ladies Bible Class on
Wednesday, March 12th.

Don't forget to set your clocks AHEAD one hour on
Saturday night!


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