Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Prayer Request - 3/19

A friend of mine sent this prayer request...  "My niece's sweet little 7 year old, Sabrina Willard, was diagnosed with Lymphoma on Monday. They're doing a biopsy today and because of where the spot is, it will be a 2 to 5 hour surgery. The biopsy will tell us if it's Hodgkins Lymphoma which they think it's not, which is good. And if not, she'll start an aggressive therapy of 5 to 6 months chemo. If it is, I guess we'll hear those options tomorrow. Her mom Jennifer has turned it over to God, but as you know, that doesn't take away the fear, and the pain of knowing what trials are coming up for her baby girl.  I'm a faithful believer in the power of prayer, and I don't think God can ever hear too many prayers!"

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