Saturday, March 29, 2014

Prayer Request - 3/29

Little Max and Mabrie Moffitt  (3 & 4 years old) were CareFlighted to Children's Medical/Dallas last night.  They got into some medicine not intended for them..  Both have both been extubated and are breathing on their own. 
Mabrie is still needing oxygen and is feeling the withdrawal symptoms a lot more.  They are having trouble keeping her calm, but the doctors keeps assuring them, this is expected. 
Max is doing very good!  He is still extremely groggy but is starting to eat and drink!  He couldn't wait to be wheeled into Mabrie's room!  He was ready to see his sister!
Scott & Christina Moffitt are the parents.  Grandparents are Don & Carla Moffitt and Lesa Tonne, former member at LACOC, is their grandmother.
Christina posted this message tonight:  "Every prayer has been heard.  Hug your babies tight and never ever take anything for granted."

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