Thursday, March 20, 2014

Update on 7 year-old Sabrina - 3/20

My friend reported this wonderful news....."In awe at the power of God and prayer! Monday morning, after a week of testing, including a cat scan and an MRI, both of which showed a large mass on her large intestine, my 7 year old great niece, Sabrina, was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Tentatively scheduled for aggressive chemo for 6 months, possibly more, pending a surgical biopsy today. GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!! The surgeon did the biopsy through a scope but the lab couldn't find anything. So he opened her up. He moved everything around, he looked at the scans again, he moved everything around again...there was nothing there!! He took pictures! He told us that 3 days earlier it wrapped all the way around her large intestine, and he couldn't explain it, but it was just gone! We can explain it, and I want to thank ALL the fantastic prayer warriors bowing their heads and lifting their voices so this darling little girl didn't have to fight this battle."

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