Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekly Update - 3/23

Thank you Patrick for the message from Luke 29:1-10..."A Story Of Two Collectors".

Thank you Allan for the beautiful song service.

  • Jimmy Faulkner's brother passed away this morning.  (No other details are known at this time.)
  • Derald Bulls' friend, Mark Metcalf, passed away on Friday.  He had just come home from hospital on hospice Thursday.  His funeral will be on Tuesday.
  • Also, the Bulls' friend Marcia Putnam and her family as they mourn the loss of her husband Jim.
  • Continue to remember Anna Zant and her family as they mourn the loss of her brother, Joe Don Mashburn.

  • Carole Anderson is at home recovering from back surgery last Thursday.
  • Jessica Harris' uncle, Wayne Parker, just had triple by-pass recently. He's back in the hospital, in Texarkana, with blockage and a possible heart attack.
  • Kristi Anthony, as she continues rehab and the everyday trials that she is facing.  Kristi's birthday is this Thursday (3/27) and her mother-in-law, Jean, asked if you could send a card to her.
  • Derald & Lesa Bulls' neighbor is undergoing treatment, from Germany, for a "skin-eating" disease.
  • Laura Janes asked for prayers for her and her health.
  • Ben Wallace (Tanya Welch's Dad) recently had surgery and the incisions are infected.
  • Sherry Welch's friend is in a "spiritual pit".
  • Alissa Nutt - health.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Toothpaste

YARN DRIVE:  Kiddie Kollege is collecting yarn they will donate to make "blessings" blankets for wounded soldiers.  There is a collection box by Room 6.

5TH SUNDAY POTLUCK:  March 30th will be our 5th Sunday format.  Please make plans to stay for our potluck lunch with a short service to follow.  Please bring extra food for our guests.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is Chicken Spaghetti.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you weren't able to sign-up this morning and want to join us, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

CHURCH COOKBOOK:  There are plans being made for a new church cookbook.  The ladies bulletin board has all the information that you need to submit recipes.  And guys....submit your recipes too!

March 30:  5th Sunday Potluck
April 18-19:  LTC Convention
May 14:  Blood Drive
May 18:  Senior Sunday

Love you - MEAN IT!

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