Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekly Update - 4/1

  • Charles Wampler and his family, in the loss of his father and prayers as they travel to Houston.
  • Robert Wilson's brother, Wesley, passed away.
  • Carol Anderson as she recovers from back surgery
  • Jerry Barnes had his heart shocked into rhythm last week.  He's feeling better now.
  • Ken Love would love to have visitors....especially someone that will play dominoes or checkers with him.
  • Mary Lloyd - cancer.
  • Kristi Anthony as she continues physical therapy and prayers for her to get better.
  • Moffitt's family as their children heal from taking medicine that was not prescribed for them, last week.  They are out of the hospital and back home doing well.
  • Mike Erwin's cousins, Olie & Maxine Hayes.  She is very ill with pancreatic cancer.
  • Ely Speer (Barnett's grandson) still pending.
  • Jimmy Smallwood - health issues.
  • Lillian Welch - health issues (Mark Welch and Diane McFadden's Mom.)
  • Peggy Jack asked for prayers for James Jack, for health issues.
  • Wayne Kerby's friend, Wally Kraft, will be having an upcoming surgery.
  • Ruth Ann Stallings asked for continued prayers for her daughter and son-in-law, Laura and David Vanderpool, and their progress in Haiti.
  • Continue to remember those in Washington, who are victims of the mudslide and those involved in the earthquakes in California.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter

YARN DRIVE:  Kiddie Kollege is collecting yarn they will donate to make "blessings" blankets for wounded soldiers.  There is a collection box by Room 6.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is Meatloaf.  Please donate at least $2 per person.  If you weren't able to sign-up this morning and want to join us, please call the church office by noon on Tuesday.
CHURCH COOKBOOK:  There are plans being made for a new church cookbook.  The ladies bulletin board has all the information that you need to submit recipes.  And guys....submit your recipes too!


April 13:  Faithful Readers
April 18-19:  LTC Convention
May 14:  Blood Drive
May 18:  Senior Sunday

Love you - MEAN IT!

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