Sunday, April 13, 2014

Weekly Update - 4/13

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning about the days and trial before Jesus was crucified.
And thank you to Alan Fain for the song selections!  The singing this morning was beautiful!

OUR SYMPATHY:  Please keep the families of the teens who were killed or injured in the tragic accident on Saturday night.  Those that were killed were Colbie Miller, Bailee Sims and Andrew Russell.  (Andrew is the nephew of Tracy Shoemake.) 

  • Carol Anderson - she recently had back surgery and ask for prayers for healing. 
  • Joy Barnett asked for prayers for her 9 month old grandson, Eli.  He will be having open heart surgery on Thursday (17th) in Dallas.  His parents are George and Valerie Spears.
  • Donna Mosley and her son Austin, are back to join the LACOC family!

  • Butch Mills continues to be in PRMC/ICU in critical condition.
  • Shelia Icenhower is back at home now, but will be going back to Dallas for more testing soon.
  • Kolton Welch as he is recovering from hand surgery this week.
  • Shirley Carrol as she is also recovering from hand surgery this week.
  • Mary Lloyd as she continues her fight with cancer.
  • Lila Buchanan will be having surgery soon.
  • Dee Lyons - health issues.
  • Rebecca Cowan asked that we pray for her and Alexis, as they travel to Europe, for 2 weeks, to meet Tanessa.  And prayers that they will be Christ to people they meet.  Traveling grace ladies!
  • Peggy Jacks' sons, James and Gary, are both experiencing health issues.

LTC CONVENTION:  LTC is this upcoming weekend (18-19) in Dallas!  There are 90 people, from LACOC, that are attending this year.  Food donations are greatly appreciated!  Sign up at the Welcome Center if you can help.  Food can be dropped off starting NOW!
Please keep this group in your prayers as they travel Friday and Saturday.

CONGRATULATIONSPete Taylor was into the Rivercrest I.S.D. Hall of Fame for his 40 years in education!

PHOTOS:  The table in the foyer has old photos found in the workroom.  Please look through them and take them home if you want.  Thank you Angie Duran for all your hard work on this project!


SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is SUB SANDWICHES!  Please donate at least $2 per person.

DRIVER NEEDED:  LACOC is in need of a bus driver for Sunday mornings.  Please contact James Hanley

April 18-19:  LTC Convention
May 14:  Blood Drive
May 18:  Senior Sunday

Love you - MEAN IT!

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