Thursday, May 1, 2014

Prayer Requests - 5/1

  • Jessica Harris has been diagnosed with SVT (singular ventricular tachycardia).  They are trying her on meds first before they perform surgery.
    And, some good news for Jessica...her children's book "Ella the Elephant Visits Granny and Pa" goes to print TODAY!
  • Also, Jessica's grandmother, Elizabeth Elrod, had lymphoma previously and it has returned.
  • Several of our members have been to see Mary Lloyd recently.  They said that she's in good spirits!  If you want to go see her, please call her first to see if she's up to company.
  • Alton Weeks' Mom, Alta, is now on hospice.  she will be 94 years old on May 9th.
  • Dinah Border talked with Anna Bolton and said that Roy has had a sleep study test and will have surgery to have 3 stents placed.
More recipes are needed for the cookbook!  The deadline has been extended to THIS Sunday.
There are currently not enough recipes to publish a book! 
It's so easy!  Submit your copies of recipes to the church office, email them to or submit them online. (Contact Kim Hanley for online info.)
There is NO limit on the number of recipes you can enter.

Thanks to all that have already contributed!


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