Thursday, May 15, 2014

Prayer Requests - 5/15

  • Butch Mills is at HOME!  Praise the Lord!
  • Derald Bulls sent this message:  "Continue to pray for Marla George, a counselor at North Lamar ISD as she continues her cancer treatments. She just keeps running a fever and the meds take a lot out of her. She has her next treatment Friday. Also pray for her mother, Marilee Miller, and Marla’s children as they struggle to keep balance in their lives. At present she has three more doses scheduled."
  • Derald also sent this message:  "Marilee Miller, also asked if we would add her dear friend, Toni Patton, Scott City, KS, to our prayer list. According to Marilee, She has a strange disease in which her enzymes are destroying her muscles.  She is confined to bed most of the time now. Mrs. Patton and Marilee went through public schools together some  60 years ago."

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