Thursday, May 8, 2014

Prayer Requests - 5/8

Dannie G Weeks posted this morning.... Elton's mother, Alta, passed away last night around 11 pm. She was very peaceful. No details yet for burial, but will let you know when we know. Thanks for all the prayers and please continue to pray for us.

Carole Anderson asked that we pray for her friend, Debra Gibson Alvarez.  She has been diagnosed with neuroblastoma (started in her sinus).  It is malignant and has advanced to her skull.  She did have surgery on April 30th.
She grew up at the Skillman Church of Christ and is now a member at New York Avenue in Arlington.

Debra Usry asked that we pray for her friend, Jim Bob Holley.  He attends the Johnson Street church in Greenville.  He's been diagnosed with multiple myelomoa.

Continue to remember Jessica Harris' grandmother, Elizabeth Elrod.  She's been diagnosed, once again, with lymphoma..  Chemo treatment starts next week.

THANK YOU:  Dorothy Wilcoxen wants to thank all those who helped with food, donations, clothes, furniture, etc.  She feels very blessed by this church.

SENIOR BASKETS were out last night, for you to place the Senior gifts in.  Senior Sunday is May 18th.

SPRING FLING for KFC is this Saturday night at Louie and Marolyn Woodall's house.  4:30-7:30pm.  Guys bring drinks.  Girls bring dessert.

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