Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekly Update - 5/26

  • Claud Jones will have a procedure on Thursday at Medical City.  They will be performing a cardioversion, which means they will be shocking his heart back into rhythm.
  • Kristi Anthony remains in rehab at Zale Lipshy.  Specific prayers for her ability to walk.
  • Lilla Buchanan had surgery this past week at Presbyterian.  She will be in the hospital for 5-8 days. She is doing well at this time.
  • Bill Sanders Mom, Gladys, has broken her back and is in the hospital in Abilene.  She is doing better at this time.
  • Derald Bulls asked for prayers for Katie Ewell.  She, along with 4 other girls from Prairiland High School, have been diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis.   Katie is in Children's Medical/Dallas.
DRIVER NEEDED:  There is still a need for a bus driver for 1 Sunday morning a month.  If you can help, please contact James Hanley.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Hot Ham & Cheese Rolls.  Please donate at least $2 per person.
This is the last meal until August.  Simple Suppers will be taking a break during the summer months (June-Aug).  We will begin again in September.  Please be prayerfully considering whether you can help with this good work and join one of our awesome teams!

PANTRY NEEDS: Soup and canned fruit

June 1:  Promotion Sunday
June 8:  Book Club
June 22:  Wedding shower for Ellie Bivens-Stringer

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