Sunday, June 29, 2014

Weekly Update - 6/29

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning about our Kingdom Priorities.  The text was taken from Luke 6:27-38
Kyle Jones...the song service was beautiful!  Anytime we sing "The Greatest Command" it's like listening to angels.

POTLUCK LUNCH:  Thanks to all who brought food and those who stayed for our 5th Sunday Potluck.  (Whoever brought the chicken and dressing....Thank you!!!  IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOD!)
OUR SYMPATHY: After a brave fight with pancreatic cancer, Troy Ashby's Mom, Polly Ashby, passed away today.  No details are known about the funeral arrangements as of yet.
  • Daisy Redding will have gallbladder surgery on Thursday morning at PRMC.
  • Mark Jones has been diagnosed with cancer. 
  • Linda Hostettler is having some health issues.
  • Sharon Kinison will have ear surgery in Dallas next week (7/10) at Methodist Hospital/Addison.
  • William Offutt is having problems with his blood pressure.
  • Dewayne Weeks, son of Elton & Dannie Weeks, is now at home recovering from heart surgery this week. 
  • Herb Ferguson, grandfather of Jeff Higgins, had a cardiac event this week.  (Not a heart attack.)  They aren't sure what happened. All his tests came back good and there is no blockage. He is now at home and resting.
  • Maizie Brockington, Lesa Bulls' Mom, is in the step-down unit at Charlton Hospital/Lancaster. 
  • Michael Cooke is now in the Middle East with the Army.  He'll be there for a year.  His wife Samatha is in Fort Riley, Kansas.
  • Larry Huggins is battling cancer.  (This was from the Ladies other details.)
  • We had a huge group of youth group kids who returned from Camp Deer Run on Friday.  Thank you Lord for their safety while gone.
  • There are lots of folks traveling this week for vacation.  Y'all be careful!
CONGRATULATIONSHeather Gordon (Herschel & Lee McClain's granddaughter) was married yesterday to Kassen Young.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Fruit

MISSION TRIP NEED:  The Youth Group is in need of magazines for a craft with the teens at Dallas Life homeless shelter.  There is a box located in the office for you to drop them off in.

July 2:  Elder Led Service by Doug Faires at 6:30
July 4:  Office closed
July 9:  Community Garden
July 13: Book Club Meeting
July 16: Elder Led Service
July 23: Family Night in OutReach

Love you - MEAN IT!

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