Sunday, August 3, 2014

Weekly Update - 8/3

Thank you Austin Anthony for stepping in for Patrick today!  He spoke to us about this past week that the youth group spent in Dallas at a homeless shelter.  His text was taken from Matthew 25:34-40.  "...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
OUR SYMPATHY to Cherry Walker and Barbara Fambro in the loss of their brother, Gerald McDowra, this morning.
  • Katie Keele (Tim and Leslie's daughter) will have surgery on Wednesday morning at 7am to remove a tumor on her knee.
  • Lloyd Usry will have a heart cath on Friday.
  • Doris McGill is in PRMC and will have a swallow test in the morning.
  • Anna Zant is home from the hospital.  She has an appointment in Sherman tomorrow to learn the results about a spot on her liver.  She is feeling better.
  • William Offutt was back with us this morning.  He is doing much better.
  • Jessie Denton (96 year old aunt of the Roden's) was burned, on her upper body, 2 weeks ago, while cooking breakfast.  She is now in the Parkland Burn Center. 
  • Dr. Kent Brantly, the American doctor with Ebola, arrived yesterday in Atlanta at Emory University Hospital to receive treatment.  News reports today stated that he is some better.  Continue prayers for Kent, his family, the doctors and nurses who are tending to him.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Soup with meat

BACKPACKS 4 KIDS:  Charlotte Grooms is accepting donations of new backpacks or monetary donations for Justiss Elementary School.  New backpacks are greatly appreciated by the students there.

TEACHER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON:  We will be honoring the teachers of our community with a luncheon on Tuesday, August 19th as they prepare for the new school year.  If you can help provide a dessert, please sign the list located at the visitors center.  This event gets bigger every year, so we are preparing for 400 teachers and staff this year. See James or Kim Hanley if you would like to help prepare, serve or clean up.  Thanks for your help!

BLOOD DRIVE:  Help save a life on August 27th!  Carter BloodCare will be in the OutReach center from 4-8pm.

Aug 6:  Elder led service - Kyle Jones will speak
Aug 10: Faithful Readers
Aug 19: Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Aug 27: Blood Drive
Sept 21: Seminar with Dr. Monte Cox from Harding University
Love you - MEAN IT!

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