Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekly Update - 8/31

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning of JESUS IS GREATER!

And thank you Kyle for the wonderful song service!  We may have been low in numbers, this morning, but we were strong in song!

  • Joe Daniels had knee surgery this week.  He will be going to rehab, hopefully tomorrow.  He's on the 4th floor at PRMC at this time.
  • Judy Moore had a slight stroke this past week.
  • Pete Taylor will have a heart cath this Tuesday.
  • Jean King is now at home after have a procedure on Wednesday to shock her heart back into rhythm.
  • Peggy Robinson's daughter-in-law, Shelly Bivens, will see a specialist in Dallas this week.  Please pray for good results.
  • There was a  request for a Mrs. Wright who will have heart ablation this week.
  • Continue to remember missionaries all over the world.  Especially Brent and Jill Nichols, in Brazil and the David and Laurie Vanderpool, who are in Haiti.
  • Curtis Garrett asked that we pray for Titus County Constable, Cleve Johnson, who was killed on Thursday.  Click here for further information
SIMPLE SUPPER:  Chipotle Bowls

PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter


  • Faith in Film - in the auditorium
  • Nehemiah - Elton Weeks
  • Marriage and Family - Mike Bishop (info on the Welcome Center)
  • Grief Recovery Class - Patrick Cannon
  • Wednesday Night For The Master - Molly Woodall
Sept 1:   Office Closed
Sept 3:   New Wednesday night classes start
Sept 7:   Simple Supper Team Meeting
Sept 10: Ladies Bible Class resumes
Sept 19: Women of Faith Conference
Sept 21: Dr. Monte Cox Seminar
Sept 27: MLK Ladies Day
Love you - MEAN IT!

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