Sunday, September 7, 2014

Weekly Update - 9/7

3 John 1:4:  "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
It was wonderful to see all the grandparents honored this morning.  Herschel & Lee McClain had the most, with 15!  What a blessing!


  • Judy Moore had surgery on Friday to remove fluid from around her heart.  No visitors at this time.
  • Roxanne Raper had heart ablation on Friday. She's at home now.  No calls or visits please.
  • Joe Daniels has been in rehab, for the past week.  He's on the 4th floor at PRMC at this time.
  • Pete Taylor a heart cath last week and 1 stent. He's doing well.
  • John Figgins' cancer has returned.  He started treatment this week.
  • Bill King will have eye surgery this week.
  • Peggy Robinson's daughter-in-law, Shelly Bivens, will be having surgery this Thursday in Dallas.  There is a cyst ON a tumor in her brain.  It is serious BUT fixable.  Please keep Shelly and her husband Judd in your prayers.
  • Lesa Bulls' Mom, Maizie Brockinton, has had a setback and has been transferred back to Charlton Methodist Hospital.  Also her Dad, Willard, is being treated for an infection.
  • Charolette Bollman's Mom, Yvonne McNabb, will have eye surgery on Wednesday.
  • Mike Marsters' friend, Debra Dunn, has colon cancer.
  • Sherry Marsters' friend, Sherry Harrison, is in Baylor with an infection.
  • Derald Bulls' friend, Terri Yeakley, has stage 4 brain cancer.
  • Lesa Denman's cousin, Julie Matthews, has cancer and has been told she only has a few months to live. 
  • Continue to remember missionaries all over the world.  Especially Brent and Jill Nichols, in Brazil and the David and Laurie Vanderpool, who are in Haiti.
  • Please remember our elders and deacons in your prayers. 

LADIES BIBLE CLASS will resume this Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m.  The guest speaker will be Sandy Keith.  A salad luncheon will follow.  Invite your friends.  Childcare is provided.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Crackers and Spaghetti Sauce

Sept 10: Ladies Bible Class resumes
Sept 14: Faithful Readers
Sept 19: Women of Faith Conference
Sept 21: Dr. Monte Cox Seminar
Sept 27: MLK Ladies Day
Sept 28: Wedding Shower for Carle Usry-Short - 1:30-2:30 in Room 6

Love you - MEAN IT!

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