Sunday, November 30, 2014

Weekly Update - 11/30

Patrick's lesson this morning was taken from Mark 10:46-52 and the story of "Blind Bart".
Wouldn't we love it if a person we were speaking to just STOPPED and listened to us?  That's what Jesus does...He listens!


  • Anna Zant will have exploratory surgery tomorrow morning at PRMC.
  • It was great to see Lyn Lowery in his "spot" this morning!  Glad to see that he's recovering well.
  • Sherry Welch continues to be in Tyler as she recovers and is in rehab from a stroke.
  • Laurie Beckmon continues to heal from her surgery, at home.  Praise for the progress!
  • Bobby Gragg (Shelle Fowler's Dad) is undergoing cancer treatments.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOR THE MASTER:  Our class will now be meeting in the library on Wednesday nights.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is PANCAKES!  If you didn't sign up this morning, please call the church office and have your name added to the list.  $2 per person.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Crackers, Rice, Beans and Canned Meat

LADIES ORNAMENT EXCHANGE:  Don't forget that Monday, December 8th at 6:30pm, will be our annual Ornament Exchange.  I use the term "exchange" VERY loosely!  You'll have to come and experience this fun night!  Bring a finger food to share and a $5-7 ornament...and a JOYFUL spirit! We're going to have a photo booth, for some big fun!

CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Come join in the fun, food, fellowship and frivolity that will take place on Sunday evening, December 14th at 5pm, for our annual Church Christmas Party.  A meal will be catered by LaBella Rosa for $5/per plate.  Please sign-up at the Welcome Center.

FAITHFUL READERS:  Christmas Party will be at Carol James' house on December 14th at 2:30pm.  Bring a finger food and a book to exchange.

Dec 8:  Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 14:  Faithful Readers Christmas Party
Dec 14:  Church Christmas Party

Love you - MEAN IT!

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