Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weekly Update - 12/7

Patrick's message this morning "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel", with the text taken from Isaiah 64 and Mark 13:24-32.  These truths we have to hold onto..HE lives, HE has come and HE is down here with us.
Thank you Alan for the beautiful song service.  I love hearing the Christmas songs!

  • Sharon Kinnison will have knee replacement surgery this week.
  • Gail Kennedy will have a cardiac cath procedure on Thursday.
  • Sherry Welch hopes to be released from rehab on Tuesday.  She is recovering well from her stroke.
  • Laurie Beckmon was with us this morning!  What a wonderful sight that was!  She wants to thank everyone for their prayers, calls, texts, cards and food while she has been in the hospital and recovering at home.
  • Bobby Gragg (Shelle Fowler's Dad) is undergoing cancer treatments.
  • Wendy May (Molly's friend) continues to be in the hospital recovering from stomach surgery this past week.
  • Mac Basden (Bulls' friend) is recovering from heart surgery.
  • Tanya Welch asked for prayers for a baby girl, named Avery, that was born today by emergency C-section.  She had 2 knots in the umbilical cord.  She is in a NICU now.
  • Also, Tanya's Mom, Dianna, has asthma and is having lots of problems right now.
  • Misty Ray's friend, Gidget, has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer.  She lives in West Texas and has 2 young sons.
  • Former member, Trish Hays Rader, is recovering from triple by-pass this past week.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOR THE MASTER:  Our class is meeting in the library on Wednesday nights.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is TAMALES!  If you didn't sign up this morning, please call the church office and have your name added to the list.  $2 per person.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Soup w/meat, Crackers, Canned Meat, Spaghetti Sauce and Noodles, Cornbread Mix, 1 pound bags of Beans, 1 pound bags of Rice.

LADIES ORNAMENT EXCHANGE:  Don't forget that Monday TOMORROW NIGHT, December 8th at 6:30pm, will be our annual Ornament Exchange.  (I use the term "exchange" VERY loosely!)  You'll have to come and experience this fun night!  Bring a finger food to share and a $5-$7 ornament...and a JOYFUL spirit! We're also going to have a photo booth, for some big fun!

CHURCH CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Come join in the fun, food, fellowship and frivolity that will take place next Sunday evening, December 14th at 5pm, for our annual Church Christmas Party.  A meal will be catered by LaBella Rosa for $5/per plate.  Please sign-up at the Welcome Center.

FAITHFUL READERS:  Christmas Party will be at Carol James' house on December 14th at 2:30pm.  Bring a finger food and a book to exchange.

Dec 8:   Ladies Ornament Exchange
Dec 10: Ladies Bible Class Luncheon
Dec 13: JH/HS Youth Christmas Party at Six Flags
Dec 14: Faithful Readers Christmas Party
Dec 14: Church Christmas Party
Dec 17: Blood Drive
Dec 24-26:  Office Closed
Jan 11:  LTC Meeting for participants and parents
Jan 16-18:  WinterFest

Love you - MEAN IT!

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