Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Prayer Requests - 1/27

Derald Bulls sent these prayer requests:
  • Kevan Bennett, a teacher at NL, is having throat surgery tomorrow in Dallas. Pray for Kevan and his family that all will go well and he comes through it without a problem.
  • If you would, please add Lesa to the prayer list. She went to the doctor yesterday and tested positive for flu! She’s really been down—and we both got the shot! Still running fever this morning but taking four meds as a result of it. (and selfishly, pray that I don’t get it!)
  • I’m sure someone else may have made this request, but just in case, please pray for the church as the VISION 2015-2024 is revealed Sunday. May it be embraces with excitement as we work to glorify Him in all we do!

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