Thursday, February 19, 2015

Update on Morgan Beckmon - 2/19

Updated at 8:30 a.m.:  Morgan is in Baylor/Dallas - Roberts Bldg/Room 1335.  She is resting at this time...testing will start today.

Updated at 9:48 a.m.:  Linda Erwin is on her way home from Dallas after taking Laurie to Baylor last night.  She says that Morgan has some pain due to the mass pushing against her heart.  They are keeping her flat in the bed.  Waiting for the Dr. to come in this morning.  The mass is 9cm ... which is about 4 inches and it's not attached to any major organ, as far as they can tell. The Dr. in Abilene thought it might have been pneumonia that had broken loose or an abscess but they really

Updated at 4:40 p.m.: An upper G.I. was performed on Morgan. They want to see if the mass is connected to her esophagus.
She did great. Only a fluid sack was found.
They are now waiting to find out if it will be removed!

Updated at 10 p.m.:  Morgan will have surgery at 9 a.m. on Friday morning.  Going in left side. She will have drain tube afterwards. She will be in the hospital for 5 days, 2 weeks at home and then resume normal activity in one month.

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