Sunday, February 1, 2015

Weekly Update - 2/1

Were you at LACOC this morning?  We received the "VISION"!
If you weren't there, there are brochures that you will be able to pick up and also a CD recording of this mornings services!

Here are the high points from today:

  • Connect with God...We will continually seek a deeper connection with God through sincere worship and spiritual disciplines.  We will reach out and make disciples that do the same.
  • Unity of Believers...The complete unity of all believers will be increasingly evident through how we love, show grace toward, and partner with all who claim Jesus as Lord.
  • Restore all Things...Responding to God's plan to restore all things to Him, we will purposefully bring Christ's love and hope to our community, and to the ends of the earth.
Thank you to John Cannon for leading our class time with history of LACOC and reminding us that we have to look back, in order to look forward!
Thank you to Patrick, Keith Bollman, Kyle Jones, Lewis Anderson, Doug Faires, Wayne Kerby, Richard Peace and Jay Spencer for your words and prayers.
Thank you Allan Fain for the beautiful song selections!  The singing this morning was AWESOME!

WELCOME:  Greg & Kristen Mays have been worshiping with us for about 6 months and will now be with us full-time!!!

  • Emma McCarter (Michael & Lindsay's daughter) has the flu.
  • Daisy Redding was released from the hospital on Tuesday.  She remains at home recouperating.
  • Sherry Welch continues her rehab in Tyler.
  • Johnny Houser - health 
  • Ken Love - health
  • Remember Sammy Archer and his family as they mourn the loss of his wife Donna, who passed away on Friday, after a long battle with cancer.
  • Lewis Anderson's friend, Gene Patterson, continues to be in PRMC/ICU, after undergoing heart by-pass surgery on Friday morning.
  • My niece, Carol McMillan, is still at Cancer Treatment Centers of America/Chicago, after undergoing a grueling week of testing.  She and Clint will be meeting with a surgeon in the morning.
  • Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson, Roy Jones, Bill Jones, Sharon Kinison, Adrian Casey, Mark Jones, Kimberly Daniels, John White, Charles Brunson, Tommy Gantt, Ben Holland, Dorothy Webb, Robert Ward, Margie Bell, Susan Monkers, Michael Terrell, Bobby Gragg, Carol Ward, Dr. Chris Manchurick and all of our missionaries.

PANTRY NEEDS:  1 pound bags of beans and rice & toilet tissue.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Chipotle Bowls.  If you didn't sign up on Sunday morning, and want to join us on Wednesday night, just call the church office and to reserve your spot. Each person is asked to donate $3 per person.

Feb 7:  KFC Service Day - Paris Pregnancy Center
Feb 8:  Faithful Readers
Feb 15: Baby Shower for Cliff and Maggie Kerby's twinsMar 11: Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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