Sunday, February 15, 2015

Weekly Update - 2/15

Thank you Keith Bollman for stepping in for Patrick today and speaking to us about "Unity of Believers"!  He talked to us about this aspect of the VISION. 
SYMPATHY:  Former member Roger Lough's Mom, Ruth Lough, passed away on Monday, Feb 9th.  Please keep this family in your prayers.
  • Laura Janes went forward this morning and asked for prayers for her medical issues and to help her in her struggles.
  • Cleve Fendley.

  • Mike Grigsby suffered a stroke this morning.  He was CareFlighted to the Plano Medical Center.  He's been intubated and has some pneumonia in one lung.
  • Anita Roden is recovering from hiatal hernia surgery. 
  • Cherry Walker had carotid artery surgery on Friday. 
  • Judy Moore also had 5 bypass surgery, on Friday, the Dr. discovered during surgery that she'd already experienced a heart attack.
  • Michelle Anderson is fighting allergies at this time, she can't seem to get regulated.
  • Chris Easton's Dad is in the hospital with congestive heart failure and dementia.
  • Derald Bulls' friend, Marcia Putnam, is very ill at this time.
  • Larry Ballard's brother, Dwayne, has heart problems.
  • Lewis Anderson's friend, Gene Patterson, is recovering from carotid surgery and 5 bypass surgery.  Prayers for continued recovery.
  • Members.....William and Lucy Offutt, Johnny Houser, Ken Love, Daisy Redding, Roy Jones, Adrian Casey, John White, Mark Jones, Kristi Anthony and Lance Johnson.
  • Friends and Family...Jason McClain, Vicki Lewis, Petro Sanchez, Amanda Phillips, Catheryn Bryan, Ben Wallace, Cathy Sanders, Charles Brunson, Wendy May, Ella Ruth Wallace, Bobby Gragg, Harley Bowling, Kevan Bennett, Ben Holland, Tommy Gantt, Dorothy Webb, Michael Terrell, Carol McMillan, Jillian Ingram and Dr. Chris Manschreck.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Jelly, Peanut Butter and Deodorant

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' S.S. will be a special treat!  Irene Sierra and some friends will be here to prepare a Mexican meal.  All proceeds will go to benefit the LaChona, Mexico mission trip.  Meal will still be $3/person.  If you wish to give more to help with this, then please do!

Mar 1:   Baby shower for Shaunda Burgess
Mar 11: Blood Drive
Mar 29: 5th Sunday Potluck
Love you - MEAN IT!

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