Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Update on Anita Roden - 3/4

Kathy Roden Floyd posted this update on Anita:  "My stepmom, Anita Roden, wanted me to give an update about what's going on . . . it's a long story, but she's been in the hospital three weeks following surgery to repair a major hiatal hernia because nothing will pass through into her stomach. There were probably some pre-existing complications that have all worked together to create a perfect storm. She's been getting nutrition by IV (tpn) for 10 days, but that was discontinued last tonight because she's having another surgery today to revise the original surgery and open things back up. This increases the risk of the hernia recurring someday but it's more important to get her swallowing and hopefully it won't recur. Thank you to everyone who has visited, prayed or blessed us in some way."

She was to have surgery at 0730 this morning and pray that this fixes the issue and that her esophageal motility is not the issue. 

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