Sunday, March 22, 2015

Weekly Update - 3/22

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning, "Waiting on God", with the text from Habakkuk 3.  In this chapter we learned what changed Habakkuk to react differently ... he finally learns silence and stillness. 

God answers every prayer in one of three ways:
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. WAIT.

God's people must lean joy in waiting and develop a spirit of expectation of a release of God's word.

During this series, Habakkuk has become an example to us..
1. As the heart grows humble the mind grows wise.
2. Standing back can give us the right perspective.

How do we apply this prophetic writing of Habakkuk?
1. Wait on God when you don't understand Him.
2. Have confidence in God for He knows what's best.
Patrick also issued us a challenge for this week: 
STOP COMPLAINING!  Encourage people more this week!  Fill your heart with joy!
RESPONSEStephen and Mandy Gerrald went forward this morning with a PRAISE and the news that they have been approved to adopt a little baby boy from Africa, whose name will be Shepherd.  It will be 7-8 months before they will have him and they will be traveling to Africa.  Please pray specifically for their safety in those travels and as they prepare for his arrival. Pray also for baby Shepherd as he waits for his Mommy and Daddy and big brother, Jesse.

  • Karen Cato broke her shoulder this week while skiing in New Mexico. She has an appointment with a doctor in Dallas this week.
  • Cherry Walker will have another procedure at PRMC this week.
  • John White - Health.  And remember his wife Robbie too.
  • Jimmy McFadden (friend of Peggy Robinson) - heart surgery.
CHURCH MEMBERS:  Dorothy Pearce, Louise Peace, Anna Zant, Maggie Kerby, Neil Collard, Ken Icenhower, Gene Stallings, Libby Trussell, Morgan Beckmon, Judy Moore, Johnny Houser, Mike Grigsby, Laura Janes, Lee McClain, Anita Roden, Roy Jones, Adrian Casey, John White, Mark Jones, Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson.

FRIENDS AND FAMILY:  Carol McMillan, Aiden Ty Walters, Lillian Welch, Paula Anthony, Faye Hanley, Carol Ward, John Wayne Allen, Jesse Easton, Betty Walsworth, Vicki Armstrong, Cora Whitney, Amy Driggers, Charolotte Russell, Cindy McDowell, Carter Page, Cash Marsden, Dwayne Ballard, Ben Holland, Michael Terrell, Jillian Ingram, Dr. Chris Manschreck.

HELP NEEDED:  There are many families going to LTC.  If you can help offset the cost of food, it would be greatly appreciated!  We need you to bring food items to help provide 2 meals.  There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center!  Thank you!
LTC DRESS REHEARSAL will be on Wednesday night, April 1st.  All classes will be in the auditorium to support our LTC participants.  Please be there to cheer them on!  They will be traveling to Dallas the following Friday to participate in the North Texas Leadership Training for Christ Convention.

EASTERN EUROPEAN MISSIONS: EEM will host a dinner at the Love Civic Center on Thursday, March 26th.  The meal is at no charge  You will be given the chance to make a donation.  Sign up sheet at the Welcome Center.

PRAYER WARRIORS:  If you signed up to be a prayer warrior for our local students, please see Tanya Welch or Jenifer Cooper and get your assigned student.

Fried Chicken.  Please donate $3 per person.

  Canned Green Beans and Canned Fruit


Mar 26:  EEM Dinner at Love Civic Center
Mar 29:  5th Sunday Potluck
Mar 29:  LTC Parent/Participant Meeting - room 6
Apr 1:    LTC Dress Rehearsal in Auditorium
Apr 3-4: LTC Convention in Dallas
May 13: Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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