Sunday, March 8, 2015

Weekly Update - 3/8

Thank you Patrick for the lesson this morning from Hab 1:5 2:4, titled "God, Are You Being Serious?"  There were points for us to consider:
1.  Who God is...:
~Eternal  ~Personal  ~Holy  ~Lord  ~The Rock.
And ways that we can change
~Running to a safe place
~Waiting on God..we need to stop trying to fit God into our schedule and fit into God's plan.

Thank you also to Gene Stallings
for the "1/2 Time Report", as Patrick called it!  Thank you for reminding us that we need to appreciate our elders, ministers and each other more.  We need to have unity, harmony and kindness!  Thanks Coach!

  • Libby Trussell is in a hospital in Dallas with double pneumonia.
  • Anita Roden continues to be in PRMC/Rehab.
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Maggie Kirby - as she is nearing her due date for the twins to be born.
  • Paula Anthony (Hugh & Jean's daughter) will be having knee surgery on Tuesday.
  • Aiden Ty Walters (little student from North Lamar) - brain tumor.
  • Anna Zant - Health
  • Lillian Welch (Mark Welch and Diane McFadden's Mom) - Health
  • Susan Monkres (friend of Dinah Border's daughters) - Cancer
  • Ella Ruth Wallace (Tanya Welch's grandmother) - broken hip and now at nursing home in Clarksville for rehab.
  • Jeremy and Rebecca Moss (he's a teacher/coach at Chisum and she's an aide at Aaron Parker). Their new baby girl, Clara June, was born this morning.
  • Roddy Allen's Dad fell this afternoon and was being taken to the hospital.
Others on prayer lists:  Ken Icenhower, Gene Stallings, Neil Collard, Morgan Beckmon, Mike Grigsby, Judy Moore, Jessica Duren, Laura Janes, Cherry Walker, Lucy Offutt, Johnny Houser, Ken Love, Roy Jones, Adrian Casey, John White, Mark Jones, Lance Johnson, Kristi Anthony, David Welch, Jesse Easton, Betty Walsworth, Vicki Armstrong, Amy Driggers, Charolotte Russell, Cindy McDowell, Carter Page, Cash Marsden, Dwayne Ballard, Marcia Putnam, Petro Sanchez, Amanda Phillips, Catheryn Bryan, Ben Wallace, Cathy Sanders, Charles Brunson, Wendy May, Ella Ruth Wallace, Bobby Gragg, Harley Bowling, Kevan Bennett, Ben Holland, Tommy Gantt, Dorothy Webb, Michael Terrell, Carol McMillan, Jillian Ingram and Dr. Chris Manschreck.

BLOOD DRIVE:  This Wednesday night from 4-8pm in the OutReach Building Carter Blood Care will be set-up for you to donate!  Richard told us this morning that we've had regular blood drives since 2004. 894 units have been donated since then.

:  There is still time for you to sign up to pray for our students.  The goal is to have someone praying for every junior and senior student in our schools. Jenifer Cooper and Tanya Welch are the coordinators for this ministry, check with them if you'd like to be a part.  If you have done this in the past and your student has graduated, you can be assigned another child.  Everyone can use a prayer!  Thanks in advance to all those who participate!

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' will be Loaded Baked Potatoes!  Please donate $3/person.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Soup and Cereal

Mar 10: Men's Prayer Breakfast (7am-8am)
Mar 11: New Adult Classes begin
Mar 11: Blood Drive
Mar 29: 5th Sunday Potluck

Love you - MEAN IT!

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