Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weekly Update - 5/24

Thank you Patrick for the message "Simplicity" with the biblical text from Matthew 6:19-21 and Matthew 6:24-33.  Reminding us that "The discipline of simplicity begins with inner simplicity.  Simplicity of mind and heart."
And he challenged us to take a sabbath (a break) once a week.

And thank you Allan for the song service today.  Personally, I think "Rescue Me" is my new favorite song!  You can click here to here it again.


  • Katie Keele - had her tonsils and adenoids out on Friday.
  • Daisy Redding - thankful for a safe return from Taiwan.
  • Cari Johnson - continues to recover from surgery.
  • Adrian Casey - Cancer
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - prayers for returned mental and physical health.
  • Our missionaries Brent and Jill Nichols, Javier Ortiz, Hector Olguin and for David and Laurie VanderPool.
SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Fried Chicken.  
The S.S. groups will be taking a break from cooking each Wednesday evening, starting in June.  They will resume in September.

PROMOTION SUNDAY:  Notice to all bible class teachers and students..We will promote later in August.  More information to come.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly

May 25:  Office Closed for Memorial Day
May 31:  5th Sunday Potluck Meal and Fellowship
May 31:  Baby Shower for Carter Gage (registered at Paris Baby)
June 2:    Men's Breakfast
June 14:  Faithful Readers
July 26-31:  Dallas Life Mission Trip for Jr. and Sr. High.

Love you - MEAN IT!

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