Monday, June 22, 2015

Lunch Fundraiser

Cari Johnson works at Stillhouse Rehab and one of her co-worker's little girl was just diagnosed with cancer.  This is a fundraiser they are doing this week.:
“Stillhouse Rehab and Healthcare will be delivering a Baked Potato Lunch on June 25th.  We are raising money for McKenzie Reese, she is a 2 year old just diagnosed with Neuroblastoma.  The family is at Children’s Hospital awaiting chemotherapy next week. (Her dad works at Stillhouse Rehab.)
They will also have a dance and dinner that evening at Stillhouse Rehab.  You will be able to purchase t-shirts and baked potatoes.  Please call Cari Johnson or Terri Webster to put in your order.  We would sure appreciate all the orders.

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