Thursday, June 18, 2015

Prayer Request - 6/18

Michael Reese is the administrator at Stillhouse Rehab.
This is their 2 year old daughter Kenzie. They found out today that she has neuroblastoma that has spread to her lymph nodes. She will start aggressive chemotherapy next week.
Her Mommy posted this on their gofundme page:  "Kenzie just got out of surgery. Unfortunately it is not a Wilms' tumor but is neuroblastoma. The doctors determined that the cancer started on her adrenal gland. They removed a lymph node to test it, and found that the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes. 
They removed some bone marrow to test that as well, but we won't have the pathology report on that until next week. Kenzie also starts aggressive chemo treatments next week, consisting of 5 days of chemo for 6 hours each day. They were hoping to surgically remove the tumor after 4-6 weeks but now think it will more likely be 4 months before they can remove it, as it has engulfed multiple organs.Please continue your prayers and sweet thoughts for this sweet angel. It is going to be an extremely long road and one we all hope will end favorably."

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