Monday, June 29, 2015

Weekly Update - 6/29

Thank you Patrick for the message "The Discipline of Meditation".  
We need to listen to God's word, a reflection of God's works, a rehearsing of God's deeds.
Patrick told us that the Old Testament has 58 references to "meditation".  All of these times refers to a listening of God's works, a rehearsing of God's deeds.

Meditate means to consider something, to remember, to rehearse something in your mind.
Meditation allows us to connect ourselves to God:

~with our minds (what we're thinking about)
~our hearts (what we're feeling) and...
~our souls (what we're concerned about).

We had so many visitors on Sunday!!!!  It was GREAT to see everyone!  Our prayer is that you travel safely home.

  • Donna Mosley - heart cath this Wednesday
  • Kimberly Daniels - at home for the next week, under quarantine, after taking radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism/graves disease.  
  • Laurie Beckmon - recovering from surgery last week.
  • Lynn Lowrey - will have heart procedure on 7/6.
  • Webber Woodall - will see cardiologist in Dallas this Thursday (7/2)
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Mark Jones - cancer
  • Chris Brunson - In the hospital in Colorado (Jessica Harris-Brunson's husband)
  • Suzanne Owens - cancer (Friend of the Garrett family)
  • Cathy King Rogers - Aneurysm (friend of Daisy Redding).
  • We have many of our members who are traveling during the summer months.  Please keep them all in your prayers.Keep the campers and staff members at Camp Deer Run in your prayers for safety and for God to work in their hearts.Police officers are being targeted and we need to pray for safety for all of them.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT:  This Wednesday night, at 6:30 p.m., after praise and worship we will have a watermelon feast!  Watermelon tastes better when eaten with family!

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Meat and Toothpaste


July 2:  Watermelon Feast after worship
July 7:  Men's breakfast
July 16:  Summer Fling at the Woodall's Ranch.  Invitations to come.
July 18:  Area Wide Youth Devotional

Love you - Mean it!

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