Sunday, July 5, 2015

Weekly Update - 7/5

Thank you Patrick for the lesson today "Hanging On By More Than A Thread".  He reminded us that just about the time we think we can go no further, our faith in God kicks in and we KNOW that God is always faithful!  God will do whatever it takes to get our attention.
Our text came from Ezekiel 2:1-5, Mark 6:7-11 and II Corinthians 12:7-10.

WELCOME:  Carl Casey lives at The Home Place.  He's a brother of our late brother, Charles Casey.

GOODBYE:  Today was the last Sunday that Mike and Charla Bishop will be with us.  They are moving to Arlington.  We will miss you!!
  • Dorothy Pearce will have a heart cath on Monday at 12:30.
  • Lynn Lowry will have a new pacemaker implanted on Monday.
  • Elton Weeks will have a heart cath on Thursday.
  • Webber Woodall will be having day surgery this week in Dallas.
  • Donna Mosley is being treated for congestive heart failure.
  • Kristi Anthony - prayers for mental and physical health
  • Adrian Casey - Cancer
  • Mark Jones - Cancer
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Anna Zant's Mom, Christine Mashburn, was admitted to PRMC on Friday.
  • Jesse Easton, Chris's Dad, is in poor health.
  • Peggy Jack's son, Ray Gene Jack, has been hired to coach at Paris High School.  (His Mom is thrilled to have him here!)
  • Johnny Lamberson (works at Toyota) had a successful open heart surgery on Tuesday.
  • Cathy King Rogers, Daisy Redding's friend, had an aneurysm and surgery a couple of weeks ago.  They are slowly waking her up.
  • Continue to pray for Ali Burress.  She has been missing since last Monday.
FEEDING THE HUNGRY:  If you know someone in need of a meal, please have them come to LACOC on Wednesday at noon.  The Men's Wed. Night Class will be feeding them.

MEN'S BREAKFAST:  Don't forget to join the group of men that meet together at 7am this Tuesday morning.  Please call the church office on Monday, by noon, to let them know you'll be attending.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned Fruit
July 7:  Men's Breakfast - 7am
July 8:  Feeding the hungry
July 12:  Faithful Readers
July 18:  Area Wide Youth Devotional
July 26-31: Dallas Life Mission Trip

Love you - MEAN IT!

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