Monday, August 24, 2015

Weekly Update - 8/24

Thank you Patrick for the lesson on Sunday morning"You are a Letter" with the text taken from 2 Corinthians 3:1-6
  • Branches. I am the true vine, you are the “branches”. (John 15:5)
  • Salt. “You are the salt of the earth.” (Matt.5:13)
  • Lights, “You are the light of the world.”  (Matt.5:14)
  • Sheep “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
  • Epistles. (Read 2 Corinthins 3:1-6)
Characteristics of a letter:
1.  A letter is written to convey a message.
2.  A letter is written to be read.
Our life and our conversation ought to be an epistle to make known his praises.

  • Joel Casey on the passing of his beloved Adrian.  Her services were held on Saturday at LACOC.
  • Mack Ray's sister passed away in Mississippi this week.
  • Kevin Shackleford's step-dad, Billy Wayne Fields, passed away this week.

  • Josh and Jessica Daniels' baby girl, Maggie, broke her leg this morning.  She's in a cast from her foot to her knee cap.
  • Sharon Kinison has a broken foot and a busted knee cap.  Had surgery this past Friday.
  • Webber Woodall  - had an appointment and tests with a neurologist in Greenville on Thursday. He will also be having an MRI this week too.  New meds were started.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health
  • My niece Carol McMillan continues her fight with cancer at home now with hospice.  She woke from the coma is talking to us now.  (Molly's niece) 
THANK YOU:  James and Kim Hanley thank you 2 ONCE AGAIN for heading up the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon and to all the volunteers who helped prepare, serve, clean-up and/or provided desserts!  There were over 400 teachers served!

BLOOD DRIVE:  This Wednesday night Carter Blood Center will be set-up in the Outreach Bldg from 5pm until 8pm.  Please sign up to give the gift of life!

SUMMER SERIES:  This will be our last Wednesday night of our Summer Series and it will be an inter-generational led service.  Please be here to encourage our young men as they step up to lead.

APPLES OF GOLD:  A bible study will begin Tuesday, September 22, based on Titus 2:3-5.  We need 14 "younger women" (40ish and younger) to participate in this study.  Please pick up a pink flyer at the Welcome Center if you are interested.  We'll meet every Tuesday night for 6 weeks.

LADIES BIBLE CLASS:  Wednesday, Sept 9th at 10am, our Ladies Bible Class will begin with April Boles, from Honey Grove, followed by a salad luncheon.  The theme this fall will be "Living a Prayer Life".

  Soup with meat and grape jelly

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Will start back up September 2nd.  

Aug 26:   Blood Drive
Aug 30:  5th Sunday Potluck
Sep 2:    Simple Suppers begin
Sept 9:  Ladies Bible Class begins.

Love you - MEAN IT!

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