Monday, August 31, 2015

Weekly Update - 8/30

Thank you Patrick for the message "The Heart of Worship", with the text taken from Revelation 4.  

ANDY AND KARA GARNER....We are going to miss you and the work you have done at LACOC!  Your love and hugs have always been appreciated!

  • Sharon Kinison - is at home recovering from surgery.
  • Lloyd Usry - was released from the hospital.
  • Joel Casey - please remember him in your prayers as he grieves the loss of Adrian.
  • Webber Woodall  - Health
  • Maggie Daniels - broken leg
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health
  • Rickey McFadden (former member) - had a heart cath on Friday and it came back clear.
  • My niece Carol McMillan continues her fight with cancer at home now with hospice. (Molly's niece) 
  • Please keep our law enforcement officers in your prayers as they go about their daily jobs and ask God to keep them safe.
APPLES OF GOLD:  A bible study will begin Tuesday, September 22, based on Titus 2:3-5.  We need 14 "younger women" (40ish and younger) to participate in this study.  Please pick up a pink flyer at the Welcome Center if you are interested.  We'll meet every Tuesday night for 6 weeks.

LADIES BIBLE CLASS:  Wednesday, Sept 9th at 10am, our Ladies Bible Class will begin with April Boles, from Honey Grove, followed by a salad luncheon.  The theme this fall will be "Living a Prayer Life".

SIMPLE SUPPER:  We get started back THIS week with our weekly meal together!  This weeks' entree is Tator Tot Casserole.  Please donate $3 per person.

  Soup with meat and Crackers

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Will start back up September 2nd.  

Sept 1:  Men's Breakfast with Dr. Bruce Woodall speaking 
Sept 2:  Simple Suppers begin
Sept 9:  Ladies Bible Class begins

Love you - MEAN IT!

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