Sunday, August 9, 2015

Weekly Update - 8/9

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning "The Score has Been Settled" with the text coming from Romans 8:28-39.

WELCOME:  Judy Clark has moved to Paris from Coppell and wants to worship and work with us here at LACOC.  She is the sister of Peggy Wright and the aunt of Roxanne Raper.

SAYING GOODBYE:  Gerald Henderson will be moving to Topeka, Kansas tomorrow.  We're going to miss you and your big smile!  We will take good care of your Mom, Ora Henderson.


  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Sue Johnson - Recovery from hip surgery
  • Tyler Anthony - Had surgery 2 weeks ago.  Still waiting for results.
  • Adrian Casey - Cancer
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health
  • Donna Mosley - Continuing to have iron infusion treatments.
  • Dot Campbell - Recovering from a car accident last week.  She has multiple broken bones, but as of yesterday, she is doing well.
  • Jimmy White - Was to have a stress test last week.  After Dr. looked at blood work and he was sent immediately to ER for units of blood.
  • Carol McMillan - Has cancer and was taken to Baylor/Plano on Friday.  They are giving her multiple units of blood.  (Molly's niece)
  • Peggy Risinger  - will have pacemaker/defibrillator this week in Dallas.
  • Aiden Walters - He's 6 years old and has been dealing with cancer since March and been in Children's Medical almost the whole time.  They performed scans yesterday and THE CANCER IS GONE!!!
  • Elsa O'Neal - Her tumor is DEAD!!!!!  (Jean O'Neal is her grandmother)
  • James Mazy (local policeman) - His Mom and Dad passed away within 2 weeks of each other. 
CAN YOU HELP?:  Monday night (8/10) at 6:30 there is a need for folks to come help James Hanley cover the playground with 500 bags of mulch.  

M.A.G.I. PROJECT:  The boxes were due back TODAY.  You can still help by making a donation to help provide postage.  The boxes cost $7.00 to ship.  Thank you to EVERYONE for all the support on this project!  Thank you Linda Erwin for heading this up and providing info to us!

LIFE GROUP #6 (Terry James):  This group will be providing lunch on August 16th in the outreach kitchen immediately following worship.  All visitors, new members and any singles of our congregation are welcome to join.  Mark your calendars now.

PROMOTION SUNDAY:  Our kids will promote to their new classes NEXT Sunday (816).

TEACHER APPRECIATION LUNCH:  We will be honoring the teachers of our community with a luncheon on Tuesday, August 18th, as they prepare for the new school year.  If you can help provide a dessert, please sign the list located at the Welcome Center.  This event gets bigger every year so we are preparing for 450 teachers and staff this year.  See James or Kim Hanley if you would like to help prepare, serve or clean up.  Thanks for your help!

PANTRY NEEDS:  1 pound bags of beans or rice

Aug 12:  Family Night in Outreach
Aug 16:  Promotion Sunday
Aug 16:  Newcomers Lunch in Outreach
Aug 18:  Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Aug 19:  Jody Garner - Wed. night speaker
Aug 26:  Blood Drive
Aug 30:  5th Sunday Potluck

Love you - MEAN IT!

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