Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly Update - 10/4

Thank you Doug Faires for stepping in for Patrick today and  speaking to us about "Who is our Enemy?".
There are evil, bad and unholy forces working against us everyday and we need to be there for each other to help fight those evil forces.
1. Who is our enemy?  THE DEVIL!
2. Who is NOT our enemy?  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
3. Don't become friends with the world.
4. Don't become attached to your blessings.
He also reminded us of the old dramatic series "Hill Street Blues" where the watch commander would always remind his guys "Hey, let's be careful out there!".  And it's good words for us to remember too.

  • Tim Keele - As he heals physically and emotionally.
  • Ruth Ann Stallings - fell and fractured her shoulder.
  • Jimmy Faulkner - will have to have heart by-pass surgery again.  They meet with a surgeon in Dallas on Oct 20th for evaluation and date of surgery.
  • Cheryl Bullard - Recovering at home from hip replacement.
  • Joy Barnett - Recovering at home from knee replacement.
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - They would love visitors.
  • Webber Woodall - Will get results from MRI/MRA this week.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristie Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Ann Huffman - please continue prayers for her sight.
  • Former member Ashley Ervin-Rogers just found out that she is expecting a new baby!  She has a blood disease that caused many complications last time.  They have already started giving her shots in preparation for the baby.  (VERY excited grandparents are Terry and Gina Ervin.)
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) - Cancer.  She is at home with hospice.
  • Patty Kyle (friend of Teresa Allen) has been diagnosed with cancer again.
  • Ben Wallace (Tanya Welch's Dad) is experiencing health issues.
  • Peggy Jack asked that we continue to remember her son-in-law, Wally Kraft.  He has another staph infection in his knee.
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Law enforcement and first responders - their safety.
  • Troops - their safety.
NEW ADDRESS:  Mike and Charla Bishop's new address is:
215 Kissimmee Drive - Arlington, TX 76002
NEW GRANDBABY:  Former members Mike and Charla Bishop are the proud grandparents of their first granddaughter, Riley Beth Francis Healy.  She was born on Sept. 22.  Mommy Cheryl and Miss Riley are doing fine.

WEDDING SHOWER:  There will be a wedding shower honoring Clay Hanley and Danielle Frankland on Oct 11th from 1:30-3:30 here at the building.  Selections are at Bed, Bed and Beyond, WalMart and Carriage House.

FAMILY RETREAT:  Mark your calendars to come and participate in our annual Family Retreat.  It is always a fun time to be together with church family and get to know one another better.  More info coming SOON!  Just make plans now!

MEN'S BREAKFAST:  The next Men's Breakfast will be Tuesday, Oct 6th from 7am-8am.  It is IMPORTANT that you sign up at the Welcome Center so that food preparations can be made.  Patrick Cannon will be speaking.

**Sirloin Stockade would like to contribute to our church.  Bring in your receipts after dining and for every dollar spent at their restaurant, they will give 5% back to the church.  Turn in your receipts at the Welcome Center.

PARENT MEETING:  Jared reported today that the meeting which had been scheduled for next Sunday, the 11th.  Be watching for the new date.

TRUNK OR TREAT:  Thank you to Kathy Daniels and Sheridie Dyess for taking on the Trunk or Treat event this year.  There is still a need for folks to volunteer their trunks for candy.  LACOC provides the candy and you just set up your vehicle and pass out candy.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Loaded Baked Potatoes.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  New toddler boys clothes and lice treatment kits

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned fruit, soup with meat and shampoo

Oct 6:  Men's Breakfast
Oct 9:  Buchanan Wedding
Oct 11:  Hanley/Frankland Shower
Oct 11:  Faithful Readers
Oct 18:  Club 345 meet in J/H room - 5pm-6:15pm
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 1:  Hanley/Frankland Wedding
Nov 13-15:  Family Retreat
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest! (H/S only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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