Sunday, October 25, 2015

Weekly Update - 10/25

Will the Blind Beggar Please Stand?
Mark 10:46-52 
“Sit down and be quite!”  “Just be happy with what you have!”  “What do you know?”  “Who asked you?”  “You should be seen and not heard.”

Who is the real Blind Beggar?  Is it Bartimaeus or the disciples or the rest of the crowd?
Jesus stopped in His tracks when He heard the cries of Bartimaeus. Jesus could have pushed through the crowd to Bartimaeus’ side. Instead, He gave the crowd a command, a task, and a dignity.  He invited them to participate in what He was doing!
It’s amazing to think that the healing we need can come as a command to do the very thing we couldn’t do on our own!
Go back and see them with your Lord’s eyes! Hear them with your Savior’s ears. Speak to them with your Redeemer’s very words.
Out of that healing, would come discipleship: “Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.” V.52
“We are all beggars; that is true.”
All of us can only see, hear, speak and live on the strength of Jesus’ amazing love for us!
And for all of us, as for Bartimaeus, Jesus stands still. He listens, and with another Word He exalts even the poorest and lowliest of us:
“What do you want me to do for you?”
“Will the real blind beggar please stand up?”

OUR SYMPATHY:  Please keep Robbie White in your prayers as she mourns the loss of her husband John.  His funeral services are Monday afternoon at 2pm at Fry Gibbs Funeral Home 

WELCOME:  Tracy Gage and Ray and Carol Murphy asked to be identified with LACOC!

  • Alexis Cowan - Thyroid cancer.  
  • Choice Taylor - Was having a lung procedure on Thursday and his lung collapsed.  He's at home now. 
  • Daisy Redding -Health
  • Webber Woodall - Neurologist feels that the tumor is benign, but wants a neuro-surgeon to verify that.
  • Cheryl Bullard - Health
  • Butch Mills - Health
  • Grayson Gage - Is feeling lots better.
  • Tim Keele - Will be having shoulder surgery soon.
  • Jimmy Faulkner - Health
  • Robert Wilson - back pain
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristie Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Ann Huffman - please continue prayers for her sight.
  • Roy Bolton - former member was in the hospital this week with fluid building up around his heart.
  • Lesa Bulls' aunt, Sandra Fritche, had shoulder surgery this week.
  • Patty Hudson - cancerous tumor in her stomach.
  • Tom Jackson, grandfather of Katie Shields-Fonville's husband, has internal bleeding.  They ask for prayers for this to stop.
  • Gerald Henderson, Ora Henderson's son, is doing much better.
  • Carol McMillan (Molly's niece) - Cancer.  She is at home with hospice.
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Law enforcement and first responders - their safety.
  • Troops - their safety.

UNITY OF BELIEVERS:  On Sunday morning, Nov 8th, we will have a combined church service with the Hispanic and MLK Churches of Christ at Paris Junior High auditorium.  More details to come.

FAMILY RETREAT: Mark your calendars to come and participate in our annual Family Retreat.  It is always a fun time to be together with church family and get to know one another better.  If you can't come for the weekend then just come up for the day on Saturday.  It is a wonderful time to get away and be with church family. More info coming SOON!  Just make plans now!

WEDDING SHOWER:  There will be a wedding shower for Shawna Simpson-Poole on Sunday November 8th at the building.  1:30-3:30pm.  Selections are at Walmart.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Pizza.  Please donate $3 per person.  If you didn't get the chance to sign-up this morning, call the church office by noon on Tuesday.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  New toddler clothes and lice treatment kits

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned vegetables and canned fruit

Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 1:  Hanley/Frankland Wedding
Nov 8: Unity of Believers combined church service
Nov 8:  Shawna Simpson-Poole wedding shower
Nov 13-15:  Family Retreat
Nov 18: Blood Drive
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest! (H/S only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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