Sunday, November 29, 2015

Weekly Update 11/29

Thank you Patrick for the message this morning about the Lord's Supper.

A big thank you also to Keith and Mark for the beautiful songs!

The 5th Sunday lunch was a delicious success!  Thank you to the servers for taking good care of all of us!  Thank you to the singers...the singing was phenomenal! And thanks to Keith for the devotional!


  • Lloyd Usry will be seeing a back surgeon in Tyler this week.
  • Congratulations to Barbara Richards.  She became a grandmother for the first time this TWINS!
  • Jimmy Faulkner will NOT have to have heart surgery! PRAISE THE LORD!
  • Christine Henson is in rehab at PRMC/3rd floor.
  • Robert Wilson continues to be in Stillhouse.
  • Doris Wooldridge is also in Stillhouse.
  • Harley and Lucy Staley continue to have health issues. 
  • Mike and Kathy Grigsby as they deal with health issues and try to take care of the Staley's too.
  • Rickey McFadden has torn his a/c ligament in his left shoulder. (Can't wait to hear the story on this one... It includes a goat!)
  • Gary (Hamburger) Hindman is in PRMC.
  • Jerry and Roxanne Raper's daughter-inlaw,Jamie Raper, is in a Dallas hospital.  She's been there for 2 weeks and at from her little boys.
  • Kristi Nutt and Marcus Cartwright's dad, Nation Cartwright, had a light stroke and has a brain bleed.  He's in a hospital in Denton in the ICU.  Please keep their family in your prayers.
Men's Prayer Breakfast is this Tuesday morning at 7am.

Christmas Baskets is still in need of names. Please check fee Welcome Center for information.

Christmas Caroling to our shut-ins.  We will meet at the building at 5:45pm on Monday, December 7th for finger foods and then gather to go out and sing.  If you have any questions, please see Glenn Lee or Jared Baggett.

HOLIDAY PARTY/TALENT SHOW:  This will be held at Aikin Elementary, on Sunday December 13th at 5:00pm. (Deadline December 16th) Menu will be a Pasta Bar at $5 per person.  Sign up at the Welcome Center.  See Keith Bollman if you have a talent you want to perform.

CHRISTMAS BASKETS:  Fill out a nomination form at the Welcome Center (deadline by Dec. 6th).  Volunteer sign up and shopping list available also at the Welcome Center.  They will deliver on Wednesday, December 16th.  If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Spencer or Keith Bollman.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entree is Chipolte Bowls.  $3 per person.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  Preemie and baby clothes

PANTRY NEEDS:  1 pound bags of beans or rice.

Dec 1:  Men's Breakfast
Dec 5:  JH/HS Christmas Party
Dec 7:  Christmas Caroling
Dec 8:  Pre-school Rudolph Party
Dec 13: Christmas party at Aikin Elementary
Dec 16: Christmas basket delivery
Dec 22: Praise and worship (Everyone in auditorium) 6:30pm
Jan 15-17:  WinterFest! (H/S only)
Mar 25-26: Leadership Training for Christ

Love you - MEAN IT!

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