Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekly Update - 1/24

Patrick's lesson Sunday morning was titled "Love Demonstrated", with the biblical text taken from John 13:1-17.
  • Everyone wants to be happy.  
  • At the end of pursuing happiness, there’s nothing left  but … YOU.
  • In what was literally the last hours before His death, Jesus kept showing them His love over and over.
  • We know Jesus cleanses ultimately. So we pursue holiness and closeness w/ God.
  • We don’t pursue holiness to get God, but to stay close to Him.
  • And here is the great lesson of this whole account: Only absolute humility can generate absolute love.
SYMPATHY:  Derald Bulls' uncle, James LeFan, passed away this past week.  His services will be Monday (26th) at 10am at Western Hills Church of Christ in Temple.

  • Mary Jones - Having issues with her lungs.
  • Carl Melton - Recovering from a heart cath and amputation of 2 toes
  • Johnny Bassett - Health
  • Evelyn Perry - Recovering from hand surgery
  • Daisy Redding - Health
  • Sue Johnson - Recovering from hip replacement surgery
  • Webber Woodall - Health 
  • Tim Keele - Recovering at home from shoulder surgery.
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - Health.  They are home bound and would LOVE visitors.
  • Roy Jones - Health
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Carol Ward - Health (friend of Sherry Marsters)
  • Patti Garrett - Health (friend of Paul Garrett)
  • Mitch Castleberry - Health (Roy Lee Castleberry's son)
  • Jimbo Thompson - Health
  • Vicki Frankland - Health 
  • Tornado victims in N.E. Texas and S.E. Oklahoma
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Sherry Welch's sister, Marka Bennett, is experiencing complications from a surgery she had on January 6th. 
  • Tanya Welch's dad, Ben Wallace, has been diagnosed with liver cancer and his prognosis is not too good.  Tanya said that he will be going to Baylor/Dallas next week to figure out a course of treatment.  Her dad has many health issues that complicates all of this.  

 CAN YOU HELP:  Our church has an opportunity to help a local family that is trying to get verified to be foster parents. They need 2 twin mattresses with boxsprings and 2 sets of twin bedding (1 for a boy, 1 for a girl). They can be new or gently used. They also need $109 for a fire inspection and $20 for a TB test for the caregiver. We need to act quickly, so if you can help with any of these items, please let Stephen Gerrald know as soon as possible, by 2pm-3pm at the latest. (email Stephen at or text him at 903-449-2645 ) If you would like to donate money to help with this, give it to Stephen or someone in the church office.

9:00-9:35 -  Fellowship Time (coffee/juice/donuts)
9:45 - Worship
11:45 - Lunch in the OutReach - We will have BBQ beef brisket with beans, potato salad and slaw.  Cost will be $5 per person. Quartet/Congregational singing and devo.  Sign up, at the Welcome Center, for head count.  Also sign up if you wish to bring a dessert...we'll need about 25 desserts.

ADULT RETREAT:  Will be at Jan-Kay Ranch - Cost $83/person.
Begins Friday, Feb 26th at 6pm and concludes on Saturday, Feb. 27th at 1pm. Includes dinner and room Friday night with breakfast and lunch on Saturday at the Buffalo Hotel on the ranch.  Our theme is Unity at Lamar Avenue.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Chicken Enchilada Soup.  $3/donation per person.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  Bottle water and juice boxes

PANTRY NEEDS:  Grape jelly and Peanut Butter

Jan 31:  VISION Team/5th Sunday
Feb 2:  Men's Breakfast
Feb 3:  Blood Drive
Feb 6:  Baby shower honoring Lacey Welch in Roanoke, TX
Feb 7:  Brent and Jill Nicols visiting
Feb 14:  Celebrate New Life (Baby Dedication)
Feb 14:  Faithful Readers
Feb 21:  Visitor Luncheon - Life Group #6
Feb 26-27:  Adult Retreat @ Jan Kay Ranch ($83/per person)
Feb 28:  Celebrate Marriage Sunday
Feb 29:  Young @ Heart Dinner
Mar 13:  Daylight Savings Time
Mar 20:  Emily Christ' Wedding Shower
Mar 25-26: Leadership Training for Christ
Mar 27:  Easter
April 23:  Ladies Day - Laurie Vanderpool will be our speaker.
May 13-15:  JH Retreat at CDR
Aug 9-13:  Pictorial Directory (First Session)
Aug 25-27:  Pictorial Directory (Last Session)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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