Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekly Update - 2/21

Thank you Jared Baggett for stepping in for Patrick this week, while he is out of town.
He challenged us to think of the things that steal/kill/destroy the affection you have for Jesus...or for your spouse.
Think of what stirs your affection do Jesus...or your spouse.

BAPTISM:  Drew Padgett was baptized last Thursday night.  He is Robbie Padgett's son.

CONGRATULATIONS:  Nick and Rebecca Murillo on the birth of their son, William Kent Murillo, born February 15th. He weighed 9 lbs. and was 21 inches long.


  • Stephen and Mandy Gerrald as they are traveling back and forth to Ethiopia to finalize the adoption of Shepherd.
  • Johnny Bassett - Has been in the hospital this week.
  • Diane McFadden - Has been suffering with the shingles.
  • Joy Barnett - Health
  • Robert Wilson - Is now at home.
  • Janelle Green - Health
  • Mary Tallant - Health
  • Joel Casey - continues to be in Stillhouse Rehab.
  • Dee Lyons - Health
  • John Figgins - Cancer treatments
  • Webber Woodall - Will now be seeing a headache specialist.
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Roy Jones - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Jamy Raper - Has been admitted to a hospital in Dallas.  They will be going back in to the shunt in her. (Jerry and Roxanne Raper's daughter in law)
  • Billy Kees - Fell this week and broke his pelvis and collar bone. (Jessica Daniels' great grandfather)
  • Troy Garner - Health (Pete Taylor's friend)
  • Al Clark - Health (Julie Rook's Dad)
  • Joyce Logan - Health (Sister of Wanda McFadden)
  • Jeannine Mason - Cancer (friend of Wanda McFadden)
KITCHEN ITEMS NEEDED:  We would like to gift the Hispanic congregation with lots of kitchen supplies as they transition into their new building.  Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you would like to help out.  A suggested list of items has been placed there, but of course you can add more.  If you would like to make a monetary donation, you may do so at the church office or give to Wayne Kerby.
DRIVER NEEDEDIf you have a CDL license and are willing to help with an important ministry here at LACOC, please see James Hanley or Shane Welch. We are in need of a bus driver for one Sunday morning a month.

ADULT RETREATJan–Kay Ranch in Detroit, TX. Cost is $83.00 per person. Begins Friday, Feb. 26th @6pm and concludes on Saturday, Feb. 27th @1pm. Includes dinner and room Friday night with breakfast and lunch on Saturday at the Buffalo Hotel on the ranch. Our theme is Unity at Lamar Avenue.

CELEBRATE MARRIAGE SUNDAYMarch 6th we will celebrate marriage as a reminder of the kind of commitment God talks about. Join us as we celebrate a beautiful gift from God.

MEN’S BREAKFAST—Our next men’s breakfast will be on Tuesday, March 1st at 7:00 AM. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or let the office know by noon on the Monday before if you plan to come.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is Cavatini.  Please donate $3/per person.


RAINBOW ROOM NEEDS:  Teen girl clothes and teen  girl and boy shoes

Feb. 26th—27th—Adult Retreat—Jan Kay Ranch
Feb. 28th—Combined Worship
Feb. 29th—Young @ Heart Dinner
March 6th—Celebrate Marriage Sunday
March 13th—Daylight Savings Time
March 20th—Christ/Berry Wedding Shower
March 25th—26th—LTC Convention in Dallas
March 27th—Easter Sunday
April 23rd—Ladies Day (Speaker Laurie Vanderpool)
May 13th-15th—Jr. High Retreat @ Camp Deer Run
Aug. 9th—13th—Pictorial Directory (First Session)
Aug. 25th—27th—Pictorial Directory (Last Session)

Love you - MEAN IT! 

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